Articles category "TIL"

Span all the things

At some point in the past, my mind stored `grid-column: 1 / span all` as a valid piece of code when i want to have an item being placed across all columns, especially when the number of columns is changing over screen sizes. Turns out, i was very wrong.

Designing a color palette - for developers

I'm currently watching Sarah Drasner's 'Design for Developers course on FrontendMasters. I'm also currently redesigning and rebuilding my portfolio website. Suitably enough, the design course has a chapter on color, color theory and how to build your own color palette.

Git: Create Branch from Previous Commit

Sometimes you need to create a new branch based on an older state of the repository – say, something unrelated broke and the fix will take some time.

Markup for Breadcrumbs

Reading into the Breadcrumb example on the WAI-ARIA Practices website, i noticed a tiny detail in the HTML i never gave much thought before: The list uses an ordered list for the list markup.